Another Russian businessman Alexander Buzakov reported dead on Christmas Eve
Published December 25, 2022 | By
A Director of a major Russian shipyard that specialises in building non-nuclear submarines, Alexander Buzakov, is said to have died suddenly on Saturday. What the cause of the death was has not been given.
Alexander Buzakov died at the age of 66. He was said to have “shouldered responsibility for the most complex orders and dealt well with each of them with dignity, thus earning a great reputation both in the industry and with the county’s leadership,” according to the company’s press official.
Buzakov “died untimely and tragically, but the work, in which he put all his strength and knowledge, will definitely be continued by his friends, colleagues and pupils”, TASS reports.
Buzakov was originally from Sankt Petersburg in Russia, just like President Vladimir Putin, and he had 40 years of experience in his working field after he graduated in 1980.
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